Narrative coaching articles
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The neuroscience of habits and how the brain works
Over the past decade, the integration of neuroscience, technology and behavioural economics has led to a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the power of habit and the pivotal role that habit plays in behaviour change. It is all about different parts of the brain and how they work together.
The risks of confirmation bias – and how to avoid it
Which coaches, managers and leaders are at risk of confirmation bias? Basically, all of us. Confirmation bias is horribly easy to fall into. It can cloud anyone’s judgement. And it’s wise to know about it so you can keep your thinking clear. Here’s what you need to know
Leading: the conductor as an archetype
Leaders come in every shape, size and flavour, but one of the most common leadership archetypes is the conductor of an ensemble or orchestra. Just as there any many types of leaders, there is also a wide variety of conductors, each of whom fulfils their role differently.
About Narrative Fallacy – And how to stop it running your life
Humans adore stories. We also love the idea of cause and effect, and that's why we create narratives to explain and justify the way we are, the things we do and the way we feel.
Matthew Dicks and the magic of Homework for Life
Homework for Life is a strategy that I originally began using to generate more story topics for the stage, but as I began to use the strategy daily, it changed my life. It made everything about my life so much more vivid and slowed my life down remarkably. It's a strategy I teach to my storytelling classes often, and I've had people tell me that it has replaced therapy and meditation for them. It truly changes lives. Powerful.
The risk of single stories, and the value of balance
In the 1930s scientists began examining the cognitive effects of labeling. According to a hypothesis by the linguist Benjamin Whorf, the words we use to describe what we see aren't just random. They actually determine what we experience to a startling degree. And that can be dangerous.
True Grit – The importance of getting your story straight
Failure hurts. When you fail, make mistakes, relationships become strained or you disappointingly lose, it can shatter your equilibrium. Inevitably it always involves having to pick yourself up and dust ourselves off. It can take plenty of resolve and resilience to start again.
Changing your negative thinking patterns – how to identify mind traps and free yourself up
You think your innermost feelings are hidden. Maybe you're not even often sure what they are. But the language you use provides all sorts of clues about the way you're feeling, your attitudes, fears and more. In fact, our language can highlight distortions in our thinking, and it does it surprisingly clearly.
Fine-tune your resilience – 3 secrets to staying steady in tough times
Every one of us is faced with great difficulty right now during Covid19 lock-down, and plenty of us are facing tragedy. Many of us are feeling wobbly. We're riding so many emotions in one day, the unfolding situation is unprecedented and it's hard to manage.
About the process of transition – And how to handle it well
Everyone experiences transition at work. It can be as dramatic as a seismic shift in the outlook of the business or as basic as someone familiar leaving the firm, the loss of a loyal supporter. The key is to recognise a transition point when you reach one, and to handle it well.
Working with three horizons in mind – shaping new futures
We are living in such uncertain and volatile times. Everyone is searching for some ‘handle’ on the future? We are seeking to see what emerges and how to shape different futures - find a way forward through all the uncertainties and complexities.
A health narrative can boost your business no end. Here’s how.
Does your business suffer from an illness narrative or benefit from a health narrative? It's remarkable what a difference positivity makes...
Introducing our Transformational Narrative Coaching book – the power of story
Human beings have always told stories. In the beginning, we huddled around campfires. These days we huddle around the TV, mobile or computer, in pubs and restaurants, at home and at work, to create and consume the stories of our lives, other people's lives, businesses and the media.