Executive coaching in Oxford

The Listening Partnership's head office has been operating in the Oxford area for over 25 years.

Oxford’s leading executive coaches

The Listening Partnership’s head office has been operating in the Oxford area for over 25 years. However, our executive coaches work with clients across all sectors and businesses throughout the UK and internationally.

Our executive coaches enjoy building positive, ongoing relationships with our clients and consistently offer high-quality services that they value. The reputation that we have established over the years is endorsed by regular client referrals and recommendations.

Our coaching approach

Our coaching approach will help you make sense of what is going for you and explore your business context. Your time with a coach will provide the groundwork for making significant decisions. It is the springboard for taking the kind of strategic action that will bring about significant change. The coaching will be an investment in your future.

We understand the time pressures that our Oxford clients have in their busy lives, and we respect these constraints. Our coaches will make arrangements to meet you at a mutually agreed venue. In any event, these coaching sessions are either at our office, in a confidential space in your company or off-site.

UK and international executive coaching

We coach people in a variety of geographical locations. For individuals further afield in the UK and internationally, our executive coaching is via video conferencing.

Contact details

West Oxfordshire Office

Our approach

Our team is organisationally astute and understand how different businesses operate. We are often there for our clients at their most challenging times. As well as working with them at points of significant growth and opportunities.

Time, and time again, we see how skilful listening and attuned, effective coaching produces hard results in business terms. Our coaching interventions will be supportive, challenging and systemic – moving beneath business as normal into longer term thinking, different perspectives and new solutions.

At our company

We live our approach from the inside out. Our executive coaches provide the foundational conditions for strategic conversations to happen and for crucial decisions to be made. Those that really count. Our coaching and masterclasses move straight to the heart of what leadership means in your context, right now.

We will lift your performance as well as strengthen your presence and impact – both through practical ideas that you can apply immediately and through longer-term, sustained development of your leadership.

Our executive coaching will be an active partnership with you. Listening to each other will build the essential foundation of trust that makes any coaching relationship effective. Our approach will help you make sense of what is going on in yourself and within your business context. It provides the groundwork for powerful insights to emerge and for making crucial decisions more confidently. It is the springboard for taking the kind of strategic action that will bring about significant change.

The power of narratives

With our team of high calibre executive coaches, we advocate and develop the power of stories in personal and organisational contexts. Organisations, teams and careers are built on these stories. As leaders, how these are shaped and told is a key to real effectiveness.

Our executive coaching will help you strategically harness personal, team and organisational narratives. Together we will identify and align their relevance and application to your current context and your future. Compelling narratives can create new and exciting futures for everyone, and they are an impressive driver of change.

The most impactful leaders are the ones who harness story-making to communicate their personal brand and leadership presence. Effectively promoting their vision and purpose can make all the difference. Our executive coaching helps clients become more adaptive, strategic and innovative.

Our Clients

Building on over 25 years of experience, we know our trade in leadership development and executive coaching. We partner with leaders and board members, individuals and teams across a variety of sectors. From Corporations and Charities to SMEs and new Start-ups; from Finance and Elite Sports to Health and Higher Education.

Where we are located

From our Oxford City and West Oxfordshire offices, and our London office, we have a growing business practice. Our executive coaches meet people both face-to-face in these locations and work online. We regularly coach and train internationally.

In our coaching sessions, masterclasses or training modules, our experienced coaches open the way up for clarity of purpose. As a result of our coaching, clients gain new perspectives and shift unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving. Their confidence grows as new stories emerge and innovative solutions are discovered. Clients move forward, grounded in sure-footed action and a fresh sense of direction.

Underpinning all that we do are our values.


We provide board members, senior executives and partners in professional service firms and emerging leaders, with the vital ‘time out of time’ to think more clearly and strategically. You will gain greater certainty in your judgements and find new solutions. You will move forwards more adeptly and confidently, whether you want to effect major company changes, realign part of the business or navigate complex relational dynamics.


We work with people at all stages of their careers. We can offer you appropriate coaching whether you are a newly qualified person looking to advance or you are caught in difficult career choice further along the line. If you are ready to explore your best options for a satisfying third phase, we can provide you with coaching that will meet that objective. Effective coaching at these pivotal career points will give you valuable future dividends.


Our expert team of executive coaches work in the UK and internationally. Across a variety of sectors, we inspire and energise our clients to create new futures for themselves, their teams and their organisations.

True Grit – The importance of getting your story straight

Failure hurts. When you fail, make mistakes, relationships become strained or you disappointingly lose, it can shatter your equilibrium. Inevitably it always involves having to pick yourself up and dust ourselves off. It can take plenty of resolve and resilience to start again.

Leaders are weavers – of people and stories

In the current crisis, this may seem like an unusual way to talk about leaders. An odd way to describe how they can influence others. The idea of a leader being ‘a weaver of people’ resonates with us. We also believe a leader is a ‘weaver of stories’ - both a story-maker and a storyteller.


We provide board members, senior executives and partners in professional service firms and emerging leaders, with the vital ‘time out of time’ to think more clearly and strategically. You will gain greater certainty in your judgements and find new solutions. You will move forwards more adeptly and confidently, whether you want to effect major company changes, realign part of the business or navigate complex relational dynamics.


We work with people at all stages of their careers. We can offer you appropriate coaching whether you are a newly qualified person looking to advance or you are caught in difficult career choice further along the line. If you are ready to explore your best options for a satisfying third phase, we can provide you with coaching that will meet that objective. Effective coaching at these pivotal career points will give you valuable future dividends.


Our expert team of executive coaches work in the UK and internationally. Across a variety of sectors, we inspire and energise our clients to create new futures for themselves, their teams and their organisations.

Seriously overloaded at work? Watch out for Compassion Fatigue

Do you feel there’s nothing more you can give? Is empathy in frighteningly short supply? You might think Compassion Fatigue only happens to people in healthcare, law enforcement, emergency response, social services, therapeutic settings and teaching. But it also affects people in professional roles who are overloaded with responsibilities.