Leadership & story-making masterclass
Exploring the compelling power of stories to shape personal, team and organisational futures.
Introducing our leadership and story-making masterclass
Stories are everywhere and everyone uses them – every culture, every generation, every organisation. Everyone is wired for story and makes sense of their world through them. No matter where you are in the world our masterclass will hold relevance for you.
Our masterclass is for leaders who want to communicate and inspire others. This innovative course is full of thought-provoking ideas. Offering practical ways of maximising the use of personal stories and harnessing stories within organisations and teams.
For us, there are crucial story-making and story- telling capabilities that all leaders need to develop. These future skills are rarely taught. They are not necessarily picked up along the way either. This masterclass steps into that gap. It is both relevant and timely Ideal for those strategic leaders who are at the forefront of their business growth and development.
The course objectives are to:
- Enhance leadership effectiveness through more informed narrative literacy about how stories shape organisational and team realities
- Provide an overview of the 6 core capabilities of leadership Story-Making
- Explore practical ways to create compelling team stories in the current context
The sessions are informative, and easily accessed. The learning, methods and the insights can be applied immediately afterwards.
Our masterclass covers how:
- Story is woven throughout your organisation’s landscape and shapes it
- Sense-making and context reading are vital aspects of story-making
- Your personal story influences you and your leadership brand
- The elements of great story-telling come together and can be applied
- Compelling new stories can inspire people to commitment and action
- Core story messages can be clearly honed to every stakeholder group.
We live our business story
As originators of the Story-making Leadership approach, we bring our depth of experience working with narrative to this masterclass. The two sessions are premised upon deep listening and a conviction to the power of narrative to shape both leadership and organisational identities and outcomes.
Standing out clearly
Typically, our Leadership and Story-making Masterclass consists of two online, live sessions for up to 10 participants. Both sessions are for two hours and are run by two course leaders. On occasion, this format may change slightly.
Along with the two online live sessions, participants will also receive two electronic resources books.
Meet our directors
“We live in complex times. Times when we need leaders who can navigate the ambiguities and the opportunities, the paradoxes and the possibilities in our current context. We often get to see great leadership in our sporting heroes. Great leadership happens both on the field and behind the scenes. Story-making Leadership explores some of the core ingredients for what great leadership should and could be all about, drink in its clarity, its wisdom, its practicality and learn how to make great stories happen.“
John Murtough
Football Director, Manchester United
“We live in complex times. Times when we need leaders who can navigate the ambiguities and the opportunities, the paradoxes and the possibilities in our current context. We often get to see great leadership in our sporting heroes. Great leadership happens both on the field and behind the scenes. Story-making Leadership explores some of the core ingredients for what great leadership should and could be all about, drink in its clarity, its wisdom, its practicality and learn how to make great stories happen.“
John Murtough
Football Director, Manchester United
“The Business of Leadership Story-making meets a growing need. The world needs genuine leadership now. Africa is crying for servant leaders who have integrity and can lead with both vision, compassion and Ubuntu.”
Dr Carmen Nibigira
Workplace Learning Tourism Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam & Board Member of the Akilah Institute for Women
“Listening Partnership’s way of understanding how story works in business and in my leadership role has transformed the way I think about my whole business strategy and given me the confidence to shape how I tell our story to our clients and to our whole organisation.”
Blake Wooster
CEO – 21st Club
Gathering around a roaring telly – The science of storytelling
In the 1970s parents told children they'd get 'square eyes' from watching too much telly. There's still some snobbery around the idea of hunkering down in front of the TV, which is seen as somehow less worthy than the theatre, opera, film, books, even radio.
Leaders are weavers – of people and stories
In the current crisis, this may seem like an unusual way to talk about leaders. An odd way to describe how they can influence others. The idea of a leader being ‘a weaver of people’ resonates with us. We also believe a leader is a ‘weaver of stories’ - both a story-maker and a storyteller.
Story-driven businesses – How great companies are winning by mattering
You could pull out all the stops to compete, making every effort to become the best in every way, at every stage. Or you could win by mattering instead - mattering to your employees, mattering to the local and wider economy, mattering to your customers.
The power of visual storytelling in a digital age
Michael and Jack Whitehall are an unlikely double-act - a father and son duo. In their talk-show, Backchat, and with their recent travel shows, Travels with my Father, they constantly, repeatedly miss each others’ point. Their humour is based on the fact that Michael aged 79 and Jack aged 29 live in the same world but also inhabit totally different worlds. Their assumptions, their beliefs, the things they value are at total variance with each other.
Introducing our leadership and story-making masterclass
Stories are everywhere and everyone uses them – every culture, every generation, every organisation. Everyone is wired for story and makes sense of their world through them. No matter where you are in the world our masterclass will hold relevance for you.
Our masterclass is for leaders who want to communicate and inspire others. This innovative course is full of thought-provoking ideas. Offering practical ways of maximising the use of personal stories and harnessing stories within organisations and teams.
For us, there are crucial story-making and story- telling capabilities that all leaders need to develop. These future skills are rarely taught. They are not necessarily picked up along the way either. This masterclass steps into that gap. It is both relevant and timely Ideal for those strategic leaders who are at the forefront of their business growth and development.
The course objectives are to:
- Enhance leadership effectiveness through more informed narrative literacy about how stories shape organisational and team realities
- Provide an overview of the 6 core capabilities of leadership Story-Making
- Explore practical ways to create compelling team stories in the current context
The sessions are informative, and easily accessed. The learning, methods and the insights can be applied immediately afterwards.
Our masterclass covers how:
- Story is woven throughout your organisation’s landscape and shapes it
- Sense-making and context reading are vital aspects of story-making
- Your personal story influences you and your leadership brand
- The elements of great story-telling come together and can be applied
- Compelling new stories can inspire people to commitment and action
- Core story messages can be clearly honed to every stakeholder group.
We live our business story
As originators of the Story-making Leadership approach, we bring our depth of experience working with narrative to this masterclass. The two sessions are premised upon deep listening and a conviction to the power of narrative to shape both leadership and organisational identities and outcomes.
Standing out clearly
Typically, our Leadership and Story-making Masterclass consists of two online, live sessions for up to 10 participants. Both sessions are for two hours and are run by two course leaders. On occasion, this format may change slightly.
Along with the two online live sessions, participants will also receive two electronic resources books.
Meet our directors
“We live in complex times. Times when we need leaders who can navigate the ambiguities and the opportunities, the paradoxes and the possibilities in our current context. We often get to see great leadership in our sporting heroes. Great leadership happens both on the field and behind the scenes. Story-making Leadership explores some of the core ingredients for what great leadership should and could be all about, drink in its clarity, its wisdom, its practicality and learn how to make great stories happen.“
John Murtough
Football Director, Manchester United
“We live in complex times. Times when we need leaders who can navigate the ambiguities and the opportunities, the paradoxes and the possibilities in our current context. We often get to see great leadership in our sporting heroes. Great leadership happens both on the field and behind the scenes. Story-making Leadership explores some of the core ingredients for what great leadership should and could be all about, drink in its clarity, its wisdom, its practicality and learn how to make great stories happen.“
John Murtough
Football Director, Manchester United
“The Business of Leadership Story-making meets a growing need. The world needs genuine leadership now. Africa is crying for servant leaders who have integrity and can lead with both vision, compassion and Ubuntu.”
Dr Carmen Nibigira
Workplace Learning Tourism Expert, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam & Board Member of the Akilah Institute for Women
“Listening Partnership’s way of understanding how story works in business and in my leadership role has transformed the way I think about my whole business strategy and given me the confidence to shape how I tell our story to our clients and to our whole organisation.”
Blake Wooster
CEO – 21st Club
Meet our directors
Latest articles
Gathering around a roaring telly – The science of storytelling
In the 1970s parents told children they'd get 'square eyes' from watching too much telly. There's still some snobbery around the idea of hunkering down in front of the TV, which is seen as somehow less worthy than the theatre, opera, film, books, even radio.
Leaders are weavers – of people and stories
In the current crisis, this may seem like an unusual way to talk about leaders. An odd way to describe how they can influence others. The idea of a leader being ‘a weaver of people’ resonates with us. We also believe a leader is a ‘weaver of stories’ - both a story-maker and a storyteller.